
In the name of God, the …

A letter from a Moslem Iranian girl to Moslem girls and women of Egypt


Thanks and gratitude just for the Creator.


I talk to non of, Amir Abdullah, Hosni Mobarak and other clergyman …, that I wont talk or even matter "اشباه الرجال و لا رجال".


I talk to brave women of Egypt land.


I know you, my dear sisters and people in your land, from written stories and what I have heard. I know you of great and originated civilization; know you of bright and deep thoughts. And know your pens which go for projecting truth. I know you of noble people who appreciate Mohammad prophet and his way, gratefully.

I know you are aware, language, would not split our one strong believe in truth, and the way His messenger has shown to, in which we can live free. die free and present in dooms day free. Our prophet has learned us standing up to, instead of being silence in the battle field of truth and falsity, and he himself was always the pioneer in the way he had shown to.

My dear sister!

Now is the time to turn the pages of the Haman calendar, Look at it cleverly to see we are fellow which month. Moharram is an event which is full of notification, not only for us but also for all who are the addressee of grand daughter of our prophet. Where she stated: "یا شیعه ال ابی سفیان، ان لم یکن لم دین فکونوا احرارا فی دنیاکم"

Today years after that event, again we are witness of aggression al e abi sofian and so to the followers of prophet Mohammad, and Freedom will not let me and you to just look or with small not distinguishing movement become careless and ignore our duty. Freedom invite us to awareness, Jahad and aiming dear sons of Islam.

And now after acceptance of invitation, we should know what to do, then start to do so, to became wellbeing at last.

I say of my people who whole world are aware that has passed considerable encouraging revolution; even if now I listen carefully to tone of history I can hear the sound of mothers and women of my land that confirm:

 "و اعلموا انما اموالکم و اولادکم فتنه و ان الله عنده اجرا عظیم"

 then they dressed their husband and children with chain mail and send them to the battle field, to fight for God"s pleasure and give the price of freedom by the blood. The streets of my land are familiar with the million steps of youth, old, women and men of my land which strongly hit the mouth of devil and the followers, and also is familiar with the smell of their soul and blood. Is it possible to achieve freedom and wellbeing without giving price and a noble leader?

If you also listen with great care beyond distances will hear my voice which from the beginning of falsity attack, through it with strong angriness and hatred to the leader of world devil followers. In my land, fists are ready, steps are strong and shout are enormous and will shake the fundamentals of falsity.

We are ready and wait to be let flow up as a ruining storm to free the world from the dirty existence of Zionism and their followers. Kill or to be killed, both are victory.


And now my dear sister;

I know you are awake and waiting for opportunity to shout at the  falsity leader in the world with great hatred form the  cruelty which imposed to people.

I appreciate your awake ness and know you also are sad about what happened to our Moslem brother and sisters in your neighborhood, you are much more nearer than us and feel lively the big kill in Gaza. People in there are innocence and have no shelter but the God"s, and you see the devil in the dress of bad people. And I know your voice would not be heard but by free men.

But how we can help human in there while the Egyptian government that has made a cage for them and run their goals forward. What a great cruelty  and what greater silence!

What happened to us?!

But all helps of food and drug by humanity concerns and doctors which without any weapon and motivation for killing, volunteered to enter fire and blood field just for curing human being injures, has been kept behind the closed Rafah door in a subtle wait.

Tell me where can I see Egyptian leader humanity?! People of Egypt are waiting whose humanity? Whose breviary? Are they waiting Non aware clergymen, who in the battle of fire and blood are happy and cheerfully spending time with their dancers and drink wine with devils? Or they are waiting Hosni Mobarak! Who is dead pleasant to shake hand with Lioni? You think they feel pity for Gaza ? or understand Islam, freedom or humanity?

What happened to us? When other people who are not even Moslem stood up to , but there in border of Gaza all shouts of human helps has stopped behind Rafah gateway! My hands are now far away to those doors but yours are different. Rafah is in wait for reply of you and your family.

My dear! Open your eyes to see, and listen carefully.

"و لا تکونو کالذین قالوا سمعنا و هم لا یسمعون"

Some leader and lords of Moslem country with unusual weapons of Israel, and the happiness which is the result of children death and with the cry tone of sad mothers are dancing!

What happened to Egypt , the heart of middle east, which not even the shout of innocence people of Gaza but also the shout of her people is not heard!

A noble person said: not only the Gaza is in محاصره but the Islam is occupied… Gaza the most alive and free territory of Islamic geography, in the sadness of occupied world of Islam is crying. They omit themselves  to free up Moslems.

Small tones were thrown to minor devil and in Gaza small children of Abraham stone in hands fight to major devil.

By the down fall of each Zionist Moslem government one pillar of Israel would be broken and ruin.

Now you should start Jahad from inside your land and make your government to take out their boot from the mouth of Gaza people. 

Stand up and with million hand which in street went up through sky, open the Rafah doors to help Gaza to breath.


Brave women of Egypt!

Stand up and make your family stand up to: that the dooms day is not far away. Filed is Gaza field but is our exam field.



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